
MFT logoMyFreeTaxes is Tax Filing Made Easy

With MyFreeTaxes®, filing your simple returns is free! That means you can file your federal and state returns without spending any money on tax preparation fees. So far, MyFreeTaxes has helped 1.2 million people save $250 million in tax filing fees.

The secure software walks you through the filing process and screens for common tax deductions and credits you may be eligible for, like the Earned Income Tax Credit or the Child Tax Credit. You can also use MyFreeTaxes to claim missed stimulus payments. That’s part of our effort to make sure you get back every penny possible. If you need help, Use the Helpline to talk to a real person trained by the IRS. MyFreeTaxes’ Helpline is open from 10 am-10 pm EST daily to clarify things like filing status. Just call 1-866-698-9435.

Other simple tax situations covered in MyFreeTaxes include:

  • W-2 income
  • Schedule C Self Employment
  • Limited interest and dividend income reported on a 1099-INT or 1099-DIV
  • Student education expenses, credits, or student loan interest
  • Unemployment income
  • Claiming the standard deduction
  • Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Child tax credits
  • Child and dependent care expenses.

People say doing your taxes is a chore. Prove them wrong. MyFreeTaxes is fast. It’s easy. You can do it from anywhere: your phone, tablet, or laptop. You can start on one device, and finish on another.
