Days of Caring

Days of Caring

Days of Caring Supports Henderson County Nonprofit

May 9 - 10, 2025

Volunteer Registration Opens March 18th.

Days of Caring Timeline

March 18 - Volunteer registration opens

April 4 - Last Day to register and receive a free t-shirt

May 9 - Projects at local nonprofits

May 10 - NALC Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive

Days of Caring is an opportunity for Henderson County residents to connect with local nonprofits for a day of volunteerism on the second Friday of May, and to support the National Association of Letter Carriers' Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on second Saturday of May. Over 300 volunteers are needed to work on projects at local Henderson County nonprofit agencies

Projects on Friday include a variety that appeal to all kinds of volunteers. For the gardener, projects include mulching, planting, and landscaping. For the handy-person, there is painting, small repairs, and construction. Food pantries and thrift stores often need help organizing and stocking products.

The National Association of Letter Carriers' Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive is Saturday and volunteers are needed to assist drivers with food pick-up and sorting donations at the Henderson County Postal Annex to be distributed locally. 

Individuals, families, civic groups, corporate teams, and others are all encouraged to participate. Volunteers can choose half or full day projects on either Friday or Saturday, or both days!

Thank You 2025 Days of Caring Sponsors


Champion Comfort Experts



Reid and Reid     Stuller Power Solutions


hendersonville mills rtiver arden dental    Mast General Store 

Prager Metis    United Community



Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Please email Laresa Griffin, Development Director,

or call (828) 692-1636 ext. 1109 for details.